Finance Defenders
Financial Accounts with Assets Management

Finance Defenders, a cohesive artifice and independent accounting system by which the financial accounting operation of an organization can be operated dynamically while it is inner looped with the 46 integrated points in merchandising, supply chain, commercial, material control department, procurement, and production which lead to regulate the post cost analysis with micro analytics and reconcile the bank and end at Balance Sheet. The user of Defenders ERP, availing the journal pulling facilities from Finance Defenders. The versatile nature of this system has been designed and developed by the guidelines of Certified Financial Experts already created acceptance to the financial decision-makers while it reduced the mass entry of all particular journals and specified the cost/benefit center-wise operation. Moreover, the central and interloped monitoring method has brought significant perfection to monitor all individual concern-wise operations and balance for the Group of Companies. Apart from the FIFO and LIFO methods Platform Accounts are able to handle the complex transactional system of Readymade Garments (RMG) and the Textile sector.
Cost Center/Chart of Account
Accounts Receivable
Balance Sheet
Risk Management
Post Cost Analysis
Profit Tracking
Cashflow Management
Bank Reconciliation
Accounts Payble
Cheque Management
Asset Management
Tax & VAT management
Approval Management